
weight loss phentermine

Phentermine is more than just an appetite suppressant, phentermine is a powerful weight loss medication that provides serious results for those who want to lose a significant amount of weight within the first few weeks of dieting

Phentermine is a weight loss medication that has been approved for long-term weight loss and weight management. It is often used in combination with topiramate, metformin, and other medications to accelerate weight loss

Phentermine is FDA-approved and an incredibly safe, non-addictive medication. Phentermine has proven to have a very high success rate when used properly

How Does Phentermine Work?

Phentermine works in your brain and nervous system, increasing the release of two neurotransmitters (dopamine and norepinephrine) in your brain to stimulate metabolism and suppress hunger. Phentermine also works outside of the brain, triggering the release of adrenaline and epinephrine, hormones that have powerful fat-burning properties

Paired with a dietary strategy, phentermine achieves significant weight loss. The medication doesn’t lose weight for you — rather, it helps you not think about eating. The diet you select should work well with your personality, habits, and lifestyle. It’s also important to exercise regularly. Studies have shown that taking 37.5mg of phentermine daily for 12 weeks leads to an average weight loss of about 16 pounds

Is Phentermine Right for you?

To evaluate if Phentermine is right for you is to schedule a consultation with our specialists at Luxe Wellness & Aesthetics

During your consultation, your medical history will be taken & evaluated to determine if phentermine is a good option for your needs

If you do begin phentermine, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled shortly after you begin taking it to ensure the medication is working well with your body 

Our specialized healthcare provider and team members will customize your phentermine dosage according to your specific needs and health

phentermine programs

Luxe Wellness & Aesthetics Offers 2 Programs That You Can Choose From:

Phentermine weight loss program with medication delivered to your home

✓ Complimentary consultation by A Board-Certified Healthcare Provider

✓ Personalized plan to meet your goals

✓ 30 Day Supply of Medication Delivered to your home

✓ Regular Check-Ups to evaluate your progress and adjust the dose of the medication accordingly


  • Initial Visit/Consultation: $150.00

  • Follow-Up Visits: $90.00

phentermine weight loss program with prescrIPTION sent to your local pharmacy

✓ Complimentary consultation by A Board-Certified Healthcare Provider

✓ Personalized plan to meet your goals

✓ 30 Day Supply of Medication Called into Your Local Pharmacy of Choice

✓ Regular Check-Ups to evaluate your progress and adjust the dose of the medication accordingly


  • Initial Visit/Consultation: $120.00

  • Follow-Up Visits: $60.00

Suppress your appetite & start your journey to the best version of you!